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Backing a winner: Digital games tax

The digital games and interactive entertainment sector is the largest creative sector in the world and one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. The global digital games industry is worth around $250 billion and in Australia, grew 22% between 2020 and 2021 generating $226.5 million in income and employing over […]

By |10 August, 2023|Tax, Technology|Comments Off on Backing a winner: Digital games tax

The 120% technology and skills ‘boost’ deduction

The 120% skills and training, and technology costs deduction for small and medium business have passed Parliament. We’ll show you how to take maximise your deductions.

Almost a year after the 2022-23 Federal Budget announcement, the 120% tax deduction for expenditure by small and medium businesses (SME) on technology, or skills […]

By |8 August, 2023|Business, Technology|Comments Off on The 120% technology and skills ‘boost’ deduction

How good is ChatGPT at tax?

Not being paranoid or anything but we were curious about the skills of the latest innovation to take the world by storm, ChatGPT, and its ability to work with the Australian tax system. 

Let’s start by saying that we were impressed. Not so much by ChatGPT’s ability to work with the […]

By |7 February, 2023|Technology|Comments Off on How good is ChatGPT at tax?
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